Monday, April 13, 2009


On Saturday April 5th 2008, a simple tackle in a club rugby game in London left Stuart Mangan, a graduate of Rockwell College and UCC, aged just 24, with a devastating spinal injury. In global terms, Stuart’s injury is the most catastrophic rugby injury seen in recent years. Categorized as C1 Complete, he is completely paralyzed from the neck down and unable to breathe without a ventilator. Stuart will require 24-hour medical care for the rest of his life.

Dr Fred Middleton of The Royal National Orthopedic Hospital at Stanmore, London says of Stuart: “The level of Stuart's injury at the top of the spinal cord eliminates all voluntary movement in the limbs and trunk including the muscle of breathing. This is the worst cord injury which can occur in sport" Stuart’s life and that of his parents and brothers changed utterly on that fateful day. Physically, Stuart is now dependant for his every basic need, in sharp contrast to how he lived his life before the accident. A talented sportsman with an exciting career ahead in banking, Stuart loved to travel and speaks five languages

In coming to terms with his horrific injury, Stuart has managed to show incredible courage. He is determined to deal positively with his drastically altered circumstances. How can you help ? Stuart’s care will cost millions and quite simply his future is in all our hands. He and his family have been inundated with messages of good will, many wondering just how they can help Stuart deal with the days and years ahead. A fundraising campaign- The Stuart Mangan Appeal - has been launched and each contribution, no matter the size, will help enormously in ensuring Stuart enjoys the best possible quality of life. In this context, an Irish trust fund has been established with the responsibility of managing Stuart’s needs in terms of housing, living, equipment and medical care.
Please support us our fundraising page
100% of all donations will go directly to The Stuart Mangan Appeal.

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