Tuesday, May 19, 2009

San Juan de Ortega to Burgos 28km

Very exciting leaving this morning knowing that by days end not only will we have reached Burgos which looks nice and central on the map, but we will also be under the 500km mark!

The day gets off to a very spooky start as we walk through an eery forest, a bit too Blair Witch Project for our liking. We pass through Atapuerca (home of a prehistoric man - well his remains anyway) and then on the way to the next village out of nowhere up pops this big hill, how rude. Some very rocky paths on the way back down, and along the way Isabel manages to get lost and ends up in someones farmyard, her adventure moment for the day.

Both back on track we set off to do the last 10km of the day which are the most scenic yet. To combat the pollution issue of this endless stretch of motorway we come up with an ingenius solution.
We eventually arrive in Burgos city centre and find ourselves staying in a very snazzy hostel indeed. just newly renovated and only 3 euro. Bargain.
A little sightseeing, (and yes,we took the tour bus as we couldnt walk another metre!) then off for an early night.


  1. Hey gals! Great going! Under 500km! That is an achievement! Love the photos. Keep up the greatness. Go team xxxx

  2. Hey girls!

    Firstly, a big hi for me and congratulations on making it so far so quickly. I can't believe you guys have gone beyond Burgos already!

    I was delighted to see your fluorescent beacon made it to the top of the Pyrenees! Swiftly ditched soon after I hope? At least that will make the space to make your bags a bit lighter!

    Keep up the good work and keep soldiering on! Love the photos and especially the one of the wine fountain ... hilarious!

    Well you've gone from the Basque country to Castilla y Leon ... this is real Spanish countryside.
    Enjoying and keep the news coming.

    Big hug

    Stuart and all my carers
